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Chinese translation for "approval testing of welders"


Related Translations:
approval rights:  核准权
regular approval:  核定经常资源
conditional approval:  附条件承认, 有条件的批准
open approval:  开口批准
approval motive:  承认动机
approval process:  审批手续
shipowner approval:  船东认可
environmental approvals:  环境许可
need approval:  等待批核
approval test:  鉴定试验接收试验控制试验;检查试验览定试验认可测试认可试验效能试验验收试验
Example Sentences:
1.Approval testing of welders - fusion welding - copper and copper alloys
2.Approval testing of welders - fusion welding - nickel and nickel alloys
3.Approval testing of welders . fusion welding . part 4 : nickel and nickel alloys
4.Approval testing of welders . fusion welding . part 3 : copper and copper alloys
5.Approval testing of welders - fusion welding - titanium and titanium alloys , zirconium and zirconium alloys
6.Approval testing of welders - fusion welding - part 5 : titanium and titanium alloys , zirconium and zirconium alloys
7.Specification for approval testing of welders when welding procedure approval is not required - fusion welding of steel
8.Approval testing of welders - fusion welding - part 3 : copper and copper alloys iso 9606 - 3 : 1999 ; german version en iso 9606 - 3 : 1999
9.Plastics welding personnel - approval testing of welders - thermoplastics welded assemblies ; german version en 13067 : 2003
10.Approval testing of welders - fusion welding - part 4 : nickel and nickel alloys iso 9696 - 4 : 1999 ; german version en iso 9606 - 4 : 1999
Similar Words:
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